“MISUNDERSTOOD MONSTERS” ROOM by Rodrigo Gontijo & Mau Jabur (2019)
Interactive installations for the exhibition THE DARKENING MONSTER BEAUTY: 10 YEARS OF TIM BURTON ART.
The exhibition present in a unprecedented and free way the universe of Tim Burton with direct participation of the artist, in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the publication of the book “The Art of Tim Burton” (2009), a work that compiles the 40 years of his art.
The Misunderstood Monsters room plays Chapter 1 of the book opening the exhibition and consists of reinterpretations of automated pre-cinema devices to create the magic of the author's universe.

BRAIN MACHINE CAVE by Mau Jabur (2018-2019)
The Brain Machine Cave installation works with visual and sound stimuli to induce brainwaves and lead participants into new mental states: from meditation to colorful hallucinations and even lucid dreams!
In this installation, the pulsation of light and binaural sounds lead brainwaves into ever deeper states, based on neuroscience concepts that have been studied for 200 years.
This installation was presented at the 2018 / SPFW Greenhouse Project, Wired Festival 2018 and the “Compensation Zones 6.0” of the International and Interinstitutional Research Group on Convergence between ART, SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY of the Unesp Arts Institute.

NESTLÉ EASTER VINE by Mau Jabur & Lina Lopes (2019)
At the invitation of Nestlé, Mau Jabur and Lina Lopes developed for the 12th Campus Party the "INTERACTIVE VINE", an installation to bring possibilities for the future of Easter. The vine tangibilized a conceptual proposal to cross multiverses, in which 180 easter eggs moved in a wavy way as people walked beneath them.
The project was born in We Fab in 2018, where FGV students carried out ideation and prototype with mentorship of Mau Jabur. The prototyping and execution of the kinetic structure was performed in LILO.ZONE by Mau and Lina, who made several studies of mechanisms until developing the final version with line spools and floor sensors.

NESTLÉ EASTER VINE 2 by Mau Jabur & Lina Lopes (2019)
Following the success of Easter Vine in the 12th edition of the Campus Party, Nestlé decided to apply the project at Extra Morumbi, bringing an innovative experience in choosing the Easter Eggs for the customers of the supermarket. A second version of the vine has sensors, produces sounds and movements according to visitors oncoming. Shaking movements simulate rabbits hidden behind eggs, causing surprise and curiosity. Upon reaching the end of the path, the visitor enters a burrow where one of the eggs chooses him, going down from the vine and wishing "Good Easter!".
Emergent Bots - CarDume by Rodrigo Rezende & Mau Jabur (2019)
Emergent Bots - CarDume is a series of interactive exhibits and workshops resulting from the research project on emerging behaviors, genetic algorithms and artificial intelligence supported by open source hardware, developed especially for this application.
Activities were presented in 2019 at the Festa! Learn Festival 2019 - Sesc Ipiranga, Ruckus Constructus Festival of Avenues: The World School, FAVELA • HACKLAB - Alto Vera Cruz in Belo Horizonte and the 20th edition of FILE - International Electronic Language Festival.
“INTERACTIVE MAPS (SandBOX)” Residence by Rodrigo Rezende & Mau Jabur (2018)
Rodrigo Rezende and Maurício Jabur (MauMaker) in this Artistic Residency implemented a collective construction, with the public, of a mapped topographic projection system, as well as developed some creative uses for it. The meetings were open to the public and also had the mediation of educators of the Space of Technologies and Arts.
The system was developed using kinect drivers and the open source Processing interactivity framework.
ICEBERG - Fernando Velazquez
Robotics, electronics and programming - Mau Jabur (2018)
Multimedia installation in which lasers coupled with wooden totems draw an orthogonal grid, like parallels and meridians on a map, alluding to geography and territory. Each totem - whose formal structure refers to the mangrove vegetation - is a small intelligent station that has a microcomputer and a sensor. Together the totems communicate with each other via wifi. Using audience movement data such as speed, position and distance in the room, an artificial intelligence algorithm alters the position of the laser beams, modifying the territory configuration. Beneath the laser beams on the gallery floor, a video animation is projected that allegorically and synthetically presents the knowledge accumulated by mankind - alphabets, maps, patents, documents, formulas, photographs - in a system that contrasts artificial intelligence algorithms and machines with human intelligence.

Future Place by Nove9 & Mau Jabur (2011)
Mapped Projection held at Copacabana Beach in 2011
transforming an existing building through projected elements, taking a journey through architecture from the early 20th century to the future.
Ipiranga 3’33” by Binho Dias & Mau Jabur (2010)
Mapped Projection held at the Ipiranga Museum on March 23, 2010.
Showcase for demonstration of multi-projector image mapping technology, animations, videos and music sync.
Pinball: Rescuing materials and emotions - FILE (2016)
The Pinball simulator was designed by rescuing used materials such as a television screen, an old monitor and a computer, combined with the use of modern manufacturing technologies such as laser cutting.
It is a rescue to the memories of childhood and adolescence of the author, as well as of many who lived in the 70s and 80s.
One side has been fitted with clear acrylic to demonstrate its interior. The rest of the case is made of MDF, which gives it a pleasant and natural texture.